Making the switch to solar power is becoming increasingly attractive to businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact and save money on electricity bills. The first step to making this switch is understanding the number of solar panels your business needs. At Skyabound, we understand that this can be a daunting task. With a variety of factors to consider, such as building size and energy consumption. It’s important to understand what’s involved in determining the right number of solar panels for your business. In this blog, we look at the key factors to consider, so you can make an informed decision about how many solar panels a business need.
When you’re deciding on the best solar panel system for your commercial premises, the size, and type of your building is an important factor in determining the number of solar panels your business needs. But there’s more to the equation than just this one factor.
At Skyabound, our experts have identified the five biggest key factors you should consider when choosing the right number of solar panels for your business, and they’re as follows:
Analyzing electricity consumption is one of the key steps to designing an effective solar panel system that, while not necessarily the largest, is the most efficient and provides your business with the best return on investment.
One of the key things we will do when designing your solar panel system is to review your existing energy consumption via electricity bills, half-hour data, or any other available consumption data. This helps us to understand your ‘load profile’ – how and when you use your electricity. This helps us create a system that is tailored to your particular requirements, meaning a greater return on your investment.
It is important to also consider the geographical location of your business in order to take full advantage of the solar energy available. If you live in an area that receives more sun than others, then you can make the most of the potential you have for solar panels. A professional contractor can help you decide how many solar panels are suitable for your particular business.
It is also important to note that solar energy is generated from daylight rather than sunlight, which raises the question: do solar panels still work on cloudy days? The short answer is a resounding yes! Even on cloudy days, solar panels will still generate electricity due to the diffused daylight. We encourage you to take a further look at our article which explains this in greater detail.
If you’re keen to start harnessing the power of solar energy and get the highest returns on your investment, then please contact us. We look forward to helping you make the most of the benefits of solar energy.
When it comes to selecting a solar panel for your Business, it is important to consider the capacity. The capacity is determined in kilowatt-hours, or kWh, and is the amount of power each panel can produce. With skyabound, it’s easy to figure out exactly how many panels you need to meet your energy demands. Our experts can assist in determining the right system for you.
The size of your roof will determine the number of solar panels you can fit.
The size of the solar panel you choose will greatly depend on your specific energy needs. Panel sizes range from 270 watts to 410 watts and are measured in watts or output. As the wattage or output increases, the cost will also increase. Depending on how much energy you need, you may even consider using two or more panels of various sizes to meet the required energy needs.
Knowing the exact area of your roof or business space is a great place to start when determining how many solar panels you need. If you have a flat roof with a dimension of 50 feet by 50 feet, for example, then you would have an area of 2500 square feet. The number of solar panels you need is based on the total available area and the size of each panel. Generally speaking, the standard panel size is 60 inches by 40 inches.
Once you know the total available area, you can estimate the number of panels you will need. If each panel produces around 200 watts of energy – and assuming you’re using a standard panel size – then 2500 square feet of roof would require 12 or 13 panels.
When it comes to considering the right number of solar panels for a business, it’s important to know how much electricity a business needs to power its operations. On average, micro-businesses consume 5,000 kWh to 15,000 kWh, small businesses consume 15,000 kWh to 25,000 kWh, medium businesses consume 30,000 kWh to 50,000 kWh and large businesses consume a minimum of 100,000 kWh.
In order to determine the number of solar panels required to meet the desired energy needs of a business, you need to consider the amount of peak power generated by each panel, as well as the number of hours of direct sunlight received per day. On average, one solar panel has a “nameplate rating” of 250 watts of peak power and in the U.S. most areas receive around 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. For our simplified example, let’s assume that the business receives an average of 5 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Now that you have an understanding of the amount of electricity a business needs and the power generated by a single solar panel, you can use the following equation (Figure 1) to calculate the number of solar panels required for a large business (100,000 kWh of electricity per year):
Let’s say that our business has made a baseline assessment of its energy needs and our formula shows a requirement of 55 kW. This is calculated by taking the desired amount of energy (55 kW) and multiplying it by 80% to take into account the inefficiency of the conversion from AC to DC current. So really you need to generate more than 55 kW (Figure 2). You’ll see we wind up needing about 68.4 kW to cover 100% of this business’s energy needs.
Now the fun part! Divide the kilowatts you need by a solar panel’s nameplate rating and you’ll get the average number of solar panels needed (Figure 3). For our example, we’re using average-quality 250-watt panels, which means we’d need around 273 panels to cover our business’s energy requirements.
To conclude, while it is difficult to determine a hard-and-fast number of solar panels your business needs, it is still possible to make an educated guess. A large-sized virtual business using an average amount of electricity will require approximately 273 average-quality solar panels to meet 100% of its electricity needs. Just take into account the above-mentioned factors and you will surely find the right solution for your business.
This calculation might be shocking, but it’s important to bear in mind that the power output of solar panels can vary significantly depending on the quality of the panel and the angle of the sun. So if you’re looking to maximize your energy output, you may need to invest in higher-end panels, install tracking systems to orient the panels more effectively and use additional tools to monitor and maximize your system’s performance.
Read more about Solar panels
Different Types Of Solar Panel Mounts
When planning how many solar panels are needed for a business, it’s important to know more than just wattage ratings, Efficiency ratings, and other factors that play a role in the decision.
Though the wattage rating of a solar panel may seem like the most important factor in estimating solar power output, it’s not. While a higher wattage rating indicates greater solar energy production potential, it’s not the sole predictor of power output. To accurately estimate the number of panels needed, businesses must also consider a solar panel’s efficiency rating and degradation rate.
It is an important factor in determining how many solar panels a business needs. Efficiency rates vary by panel and range from 15% to 24%. Though a panel with a 24% efficiency rating may appear superior to one with a 15% rating, businesses must also consider the installation space and number of solar panels that can fit in a given area.
The degradation rate is another important factor for businesses to consider when predicting solar panel output. All solar panels degrade over time, though at different rates. The rate of degradation varies based on several factors, including geography, climate, and technology. Businesses should account for degradation rates when deciding which type of solar panel is best for their needs.
Though wattage ratings, efficiency ratings, and degradation rates can provide a good estimate of how many solar panels a business needs, additional factors may come into play. Overall energy objectives, climate, and existing energy sources, such as solar energy storage, are all key components in determining a solar panel’s total power output. Businesses should consult with a qualified solar installer to evaluate their options and develop a plan.
In conclusion, switching to solar power is clearly an attractive option for businesses that are looking to reduce their environmental impact and save money on electricity bills. Understanding the number of solar panels your business needs is the first step to making the switch. Large businesses such as Macy’s and IKEA have both installed significant amounts of solar capacity. Formally, it is noteworthy that these organizations have made the switch. Making the switch to solar power is an important decision, but one that can benefit businesses in many ways.
This will depend on the size and power consumption of the business. Generally, businesses need more solar panels than residential dwellings because they use higher amounts of electricity on average. The best way to determine the exact number is to consult a professional solar energy installation service provider.
The space required and setup needed depends on the size of the business and the number of solar panels required. Generally, a typical business requires at least 100 square feet of space for a solar array. but it depends on the local environment and the desired energy production.
Depending on the region, there may be various governmental and private funding sources available to cover the cost of installation and/or maintenance. Additionally, businesses may be eligible for tax credits for some types of solar energy systems. It is best to consult with a qualified professional to determine what types of funding are available in your area.
Solar energy can provide businesses with a number of benefits, including lower electricity bills, fewer emissions, and increased self-sufficiency. Additionally, businesses may be eligible to receive incentives or tax credits for using solar energy.
Polycrystalline and monocrystalline are the two most common types of solar panels. Monocrystalline offers higher efficiency and power output, while polycrystalline offers lower cost and is easier to install.
Any solar panel system should be inspected annually, however, the maintenance requirements are minimal. Solar panels only require cleaning to remove dirt or dust buildup. It can also be used to prevent snow or ice on the panels during the winter.
Yes, there could be additional costs such as permits and installation charges. Additionally, businesses may need to factor in the cost of a battery system for energy storage.
Solar panels are typically rated for 25-30 years of life, depending on the type of panel chosen. Most manufacturers provide a 25-year warranty for materials and workmanship, along with a 10-year cost-of-power guarantee.
Are you looking for an efficient way to switch your business to solar power? Look no further than Skyabound for the highest quality and highest efficiency solar panels for a competitive price. Our wide range of products includes solar panels from 375 to 680W that range from residential to industrial inverters. From hybrid to on-grid, and from high-voltage to low-voltage energy storage and batteries. Customers trust Skyabound’s commitment to honesty and dependability on high-quality components sourced from reliable sources. With our price guarantee, you’ll be able to have the best products on the market at the best prices. Contact Skyabound today and find out why our customers are turning to us for their business’s solar panel needs.