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how much does it cost to pigeon proofing solar panels

How much does it cost to pigeon proofing solar panels

Pigeon-proofing solar panels is an essential step in keeping your solar panel system running optimally and efficiently. Depending on your specific needs and the specific features of your home or business, it may cost between $200 – $1500 for the job. However, additional factors such as the number of panels, roof height, roof angle, and prevailing birds or nests may affect the total cost. In any case, pigeon-proofing ensures that your solar panels are further protected against any damage caused by nuisance birds.

Cost to pigeon proofing solar panels

As much of the UK is a popular nesting spot for pigeons, the birds’ droppings and strong wings can easily damage the delicate wiring of solar panels. As a property owner, you want to protect your investment and it’s important to know the cost of achieving that.

Cost of Material

Material costs are an unavoidable part of pigeon-proofing. The cost of bird mesh and the clips required to secure it in place varies according to the size of the solar panel system being protected. Professional solar pack services generally include high-quality and durable bird mesh that can cover up to 30 meters. It’s easy to track good value material packs online and the total cost of materials is usually in the region of £200.

While it may be tempting to search for cheaper material options, it’s always wise to invest in tried and tested materials for peace of mind. Thin plastic clips may initially appear as a less expensive option, but they are likely to go brittle in a short space of time, resulting in mesh movement and access being available for pigeons. Furthermore, substandard materials may not offer your investment the protection it needs, so it’s best to opt for thick and robust mesh material and fixings.

Cost of labour

Labour costs are an integral part of any solar panel installation project. Once materials are sorted, it is important to consider the labour costs for the project. When installing solar panels, it is best to allocate a day to the job, as there is often no way of knowing exactly how long the job will take, or how easy access to complete the job may be.

As solar panels are typically positioned on rooftops, working at heights is often an essential part of the installation process. Because of this, two people are usually required to be on-site in order to maintain safe working practices when working at heights.

Before installation, the roof needs to be prepped in order to ensure a clean surface to work with. This includes the removal of all pigeons and nesting materials, as well as the fitment of a bespoke mesh barrier, which covers all edges with extra strength wiring. It is also important to ensure that gutters are flowing freely and all debris is removed before the installation process begins.

At Complete Solar Installers, our professional team of installers charge a typical day rate of £220 per person, which takes into account all necessary business costs associated with the job.

Cost variation

When it comes to protecting your solar panels from pigeons and other birds, you want to make sure that you achieve the best result for the least amount of cost. That’s why it’s important to let professionals carry out a free survey of your property in order to evaluate the best method.

During the survey, they will look to answer essential questions such as: Is there access to the roof? How steep is the pitch of the roof? How close are the solar panels? Can access to the roof be safely achieved with a roof ladder? What anchor points are there for working off of ropes and harnesses? If it’s not safe to use a rope and harness, is there access for a mobile platform? Is scaffolding required?

The answers to the above will help to determine the cost of pigeon-proofing the solar panels. In most cases, the cheapest method involves the use of ropes and harnesses. However, this solution may not be possible or safe in some scenarios, in which case a platform or scaffolding may be required.

Following the survey, a treatment plan can be put into place, and an accurate costing for the job will be provided so you have a clear indication of the final cost.

platform or scaffolding

When it comes to protecting solar panels from birds and other pests, there are many options available. However, for most homes it can be difficult to access the rooftop. And that is where a platform or scaffolding can come in handy.

Having the right platform or scaffolding in place can provide the reach and height needed to protect your solar panels from nesting birds and other pests. But how much does this cost?

The cost of using a platform depends on the size of the property and the access requirements. A 21-metre platform typically costs around £300, but since our technicians are IPAF qualified, we can often operate the platform ourselves, helping us to keep the cost down even further.

When it comes to scaffolding, the cost will depend on the size and type of your property. But we have worked with an experienced scaffolder before who can provide very reasonable rates, with prices typically ranging from £250 to £500.

Which birds commonly demage solar panels?

One of the most common birds that can damage solar panels and cause costly damage is the pigeon. Pigeons often perch on rooftops and solar panels and can be a nuisance for home and business owners alike.

Why do pigeons nest under solar panels?

As our recent article outlined, pigeons have a natural instinct for the highest possible spots in order to get the best view of food and water sources. Therefore, the typical height of a roof provides the perfect nest site, and beneath a solar panel offers the added bonus of protection from predators above and below.

Shooting the birds is strictly forbidden, as is poison and other methods of disposal, due to the many animal rights initiatives that exist these days. So why do they pick this particular spot?

The simplest explanation is that the roof of your house is the ideal height for birds to nest, and the space underneath most solar panels provides the perfect spot to protect their chicks from predators, both above and below. Moreover, pigeons have become used to human contact and don’t seem to be scared off by children or pets.

Any other species of birds may seek shelter under your solar panels, though pigeons are the most common. To help reduce the frequency of pigeons nestling beneath your panels, you should consider installing pigeon-proofing mesh. This mesh should be properly positioned and securely fixed to ensure it effectively minimizes access for these birds.

Why should I bird-proof my solar panels?

Pigeons can be a nuisance for many homeowners, with their droppings spoiling property and their unwelcome presence leading to general discomfort. But one area in which their presence can have an especially devastating effect is with regards to the installation of solar panels.

Solar panels, which are capable of supplying an economical and eco-friendly source of energy, are expensive and require meticulous and careful installation and upkeep; something that is easily undone thanks to the presence of pigeons. For this reason, it’s vitally important to ensure that your solar panels are quickly and effectively pigeon proofed and made fungus-free, in order to maintain their effectiveness and protect them from future damage and costly repairs.

Pigeons are extremely adept at nesting in and around even the smallest of objects, and this is especially applicable to solar panel installations. With their raised elevation, they offer a perfect space for pigeons to make their nests, away from the elements and predators. Not only can this be a nuisance, but it can also lead to a depletion of the effectiveness of these expensive panels.

Do Pigeons damage Solar Panels?

It may seem harmless to have pigeons living under your solar panels; however, the risks of having these birds nesting near your solar system could be more harmful than you initially thought. The constant noise they create is just the beginning of the problems they can cause.

Mess and noise

First, there’s the mess.When pigeons take up residence on your solar panels, they naturally start to build nests. The nests are made of a mix of sticks, twigs, leaves, and other material. When the wind blows or rain pours, these materials are often blown into your gutters, causing blockages that can require expensive repair work. On top of this, baby pigeons or eggs may sometimes fall from the nest. Which can lead to a very unpleasant cleanup job in the garden beneath.

Secondly, there’s the noise. Pigeons are usually most active during dawn and dusk, and unfortunately for us, this means their cooing and call can come through the roof and disturb us during the night. There’s nothing worse than being woken up just as you’re drifting off to sleep.

Diseases, Pests & Poop

Pigeon droppings are a major source of E. coli, Salmonella and other diseases. Mites, lice and fleas attach to these birds. Which can easily spread to humans and other animals, leading to sickness or infection.

Fire Hazard

Fire Hazard Pigeons will often build their nests using sticks and other materials that can lead to a fire hazard. If the wiring that connects your solar panels is tampered with, it could lead to a fire because these panels are running live electricity. This could put your home, and the lives inside, at risk.

Water flooded &Guano

Water flooding can occur when the nest of the pigeon becomes so overcrowded that it prevents rain from passing through, meaning that solar panels and their wiring can become flooded and, as a result, could need replacing.

Guano, or bird droppings, can also cause considerable damage to both solar panels and their roofs. This is because, not only can bird droppings be unsightly, but they can also impede the sun’s rays reaching the panel and render them ineffective. In addition to this, droppings can contain over sixty different types of bacteria, causing potential life-threatening infections to be spread . Not to mention the fact that guano is highly acidic and can cause considerable damage to surfaces if left unchecked.

Pigeon Proofing & solar panel’s warranty

Although the use of pigeon-proofing can be beneficial in terms of protecting your solar panels, it is important to understand how it may affect your warranty. Fortunately, when correctly carried out by a professional, your solar panel’s warranty will not be affected. This is because the material used does not interfere with the operation of the solar array in any way.

However, there have unfortunately been cases where an inexperienced technician has used the wrong treatment method. Which leading to drilling into the panels to secure them in place. It is important to remember that drilling into your solar panels will automatically negate your warranty, and so it is essential to only use experienced individuals to carry out the pigeon proofing.


What are the dangers of having pigeons on solar panels?

Pigeons can cause damage to solar panels by perching on them and dropping debris on them, as well as etching the surface or blocking the flow of air to the panel. This can damage the surface and affect efficiency.

How much does it cost to pigeon-proof solar panels with How much does it cost to pigeon proofing solar panels?

The cost of pigeon proofing solar panels depends on the size of the area, type of panel, and location. Generally, professional solar panel installations will provide a quote for pigeon proofing upon request.

Are there any non-invasive strategies I can use to keep pigeons away from my solar panels?

Yes, there are a few strategies you can use to keep pigeons away from your solar panels. These can include placing bird spikes on the panel, using physical barriers such as netting, and using sound deterrents to frighten pigeons away.

Are there any risks to using potentially harmful methods of deterring pigeons from my solar panels?

Some methods, such as using chemicals, can be potentially harmful. It is important to research all options carefully and use methods that avoid harm to birds and other wildlife. Additionally, it is advisable to check all potential methods with a specialist or local laws, as some may be prohibited.

How much does it cost to pigeon-proof a solar panel?

The cost to pigeon-proof a solar panel will depend on the size and type of panel, as well as the quote from your bird-proofing contractor. Generally, the cost is quite reasonable and the investment can help save you money in the long run by helping to prolong the life of your solar panel.

What is the most common bird that can damage solar panels?

Pigeons are the most common birds that can cause damage to solar panels.

How can pigeons damage solar panels?

Pigeons typically perch on rooftops and solar panels, leading to aesthetic damage as well as possibly blocking sunlight and reducing the efficiency of the panel.

How much does it cost to pigeon-proof solar panels?

The cost of pigeon-proofing solar panels will depend on the size of the area to be covered and the type of proofing that you choose to implement. Prices typically range from several hundred to several thousand dollars.

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