CE Marking is a required certification for products sold in the European Economic Area. A product holding a CE marking indicates the conformance to EU specifications and eligibility of the product to be traded within the European Union, Norway, Liechtenstein, and Iceland.
All products being imported into European Union must carry the CE marking. Furthermore, The issuance of a CE certificate is proof of the product being assessed and conformed to the obligations of the relevant EU directive.
When you are looking for products that are imported from outside of the European Union, you may notice that some of them carry a CE Mark. This is because EU Directives specify particular product categories that must bear the CE Mark. In addition, these are products that are subject to certain health and safety requirements, and the CE Mark is a way of showing that the product meets those requirements. If you are looking for a product that falls into one of the categories that must carry a CE Mark, you can be confident that it has met the necessary safety requirements. However, if you are looking for a product that does not fall into one of those categories, you may not need to worry about the CE Mark.
CE Logo
Each category is a reference to a specific New Approach Directive. They are:
When importing solar products to the EU, it is important to check that the supplier is providing CE certificates that are issued by local Chinese institutions or by EU-approved institutions such as TÜV Rheinland (German Technical Inspection Association). Furthermore, TÜV Rheinland is considered one of the most trusted CE certificate providers in the EU, and their CE certificate will give additional credit to the supplier and product.
TÜV Rheinland CE certificate
Always check the model number of the solar panel that is stated on the CE certificate. A supplier can have a CE certificate for 450W solar panels, but not for 540W solar panels.
To verify whether a CE certificate is real or fake, always ask the supplier for a relevant test report for the given CE certificate. If there is a CE certificate but no test report, then it is most likely that the CE certificate cannot be trusted.
The directives are continuously updated, so ensure you are not using an outdated label. In case of an updation of an applicable directive, it is necessary to correct all documents accordingly. The manufacturer must verify that the product complies with applicable EU safety, health, and environmental requirements before marking the CE.
In some cases, the product’s conformance is required to be verified via testing thru certified third-party organizations; however, it depends upon the type of products and applicable derivative. Furthermore fulfilling CE marking requirements ensures that the products being offered in EU markets are safe and fully compliant with European standards. This procedure is also helpful for manufacturers as they can be sure of selling their products in the European market once the products adhere to applicable derivative requirements.