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when is the best time to install solar panels

When Is the Best Time To Install Solar Panels?

Solar energy is an increasingly popular way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and integrate renewable energy into our daily lives. For businesses, going solar is an important step in embracing sustainability and amplifying their commitment to corporate social responsibility. And, while many natural obstacles may seem to prevent winter from being an ideal time of year for solar panel installation, there are actually several factors to consider that make the winter a great time to switch to solar. In fact, the unique issues of winter can even make solar panel installation easier and more efficient than in warmer months. We will explore these opportunities in more detail and discuss why going solar in winter may be the optimal time for your business.

When Is the Best Time To Install Solar Panels?

Waiting for the right time to install solar?

Installing solar panels at a right time can make a difference in installation times, costs, and future utility bills. Depending on the season in which you have them installed, you may also be eligible for tax credits that add up over time. B2B companies should keep the season in mind when considering Solar Panel installation projects.

Lowered Wait Times & Costs

Solar companies often have peak season for installation during the summer months, resulting in long wait times for homeowners. Similarly, installation fees during peak season can be higher than during other times of the year. By installing during the off-season of early fall to early spring, companies can help save both time and money.

More Benefits of Non-Peak Season

In addition to saving both time and money, the season of installation can also affect tax credits available to you. Certain solar components can be considered by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as eligible for tax credits, but this consideration is based on the season in which the installation is done.

Good time to Maximize Energy Production and Solar Credits

As we enter the summer months, companies across the nation with an SREC (Solar Renewable Energy Credit) or net metering program would be wise to maximize the amount of electricity their solar panels produce. Doing so will provide a great monetary benefit, as the surplus electricity produced can be sold back to the utility company in the form of solar credits. Thus, by stocking up on SRECs when exposure to the sun is at its peak, organizations can offset the costs of their energy bills in winter months, where exposure to sunlight is greatly reduced.

In order to take advantage of this, companies should plan ahead in the spring or early summer months. Now is the ideal time to install solar panels, as a greater amount of energy can be produced and stored in advance. By focusing on energy production right away rather than waiting until the winter,companies can ensure the greatest number of SRECs that can be sold for profit.

Adopting the most up-to-date solar technologies, such as roof-integrated and BIPV, can further maximize exposure to the sun and the production of energy. These technologies operate by installing solar panels flush to the roof, giving a sleek and discreet appearance while helping maximize the efficiency of energy production.

By understanding the benefits of maximizing exposure to the sun and energy production during the summer months, and adequately preparing during the spring or summer, companies can feel secure in the fact that they’ve protected themselves for the winter by stocking up on SRECs to offset the costs of their energy bills.

Financial Incentive Programs

For companies looking to maximize their energy production and solar credits, strategically timing installation to ensure optimal exposure to sunlight is key. Available in many states, Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) and net metering programs provide a great opportunity to benefit from solar energy production. By collecting as much sunlight as possible before the sunlight dims in the winter months, companies can capitalize on their solar panels’ production of electricity beyond what is consumed in the home.

Any excess electricity generated during the sunnier months can be sold back to the utility company, gaining solar credits that can later be used to reduce the cost of energy bills. Through careful planning and installation of solar energy systems in the spring or summer months, businesses will begin to accumulate solar credits ahead of the winter season, ensuring greater cost savings and long-term cost predictability.

Utilizing SREC and net metering programs to maximize energy production and solar credits is just one strategy of many that businesses can take advantage of, but proper timing and seasonality is key to maximizing returns. Doing so will add up to long-term cost savings and a greater return on investment, allowing businesses to reinvest that money into other aspects of their operations.

Businesses in areas with SREC and net metering programs can make the most of their solar systems by properly timing their installation and capitalizing on the potential for increased energy production. By doing so, businesses can ensure financial returns and cost savings by way of solar credits, ultimately contributing to long-term success and sustainability.

What Is the Best Season To Install Solar Panels?

When considering the installation of solar panels, it is important to consider the best season for doing so. Each season has its benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to take the time to analyze all of your options before making a decision.


Spring is an ideal season for businesses to consider solar panel installation, due to its intrinsic benefits. Not only do the mild temperatures allow for installations to take place in more comfortable conditions, but they can also have a significant effect on the efficiency and cost of the installation.

Solar panel installations require some elements of your electrical system to be replaced, such as meters or electrical panels. These replacements can result in temporary power outages, potentially extending the process. This can significantly increase your business costs if the process is not expedient. Fortunately, the mild spring temperatures help to offset these costs by ensuring a more pleasant and comfortable surroundings for the installation process.

The installation process itself typically requires an inspection from the utility company or local government. This inspection can cause either power outages or an extension of the installation itself. If either of these occurs during the summer months, it can result in high costs due to your business relying on local electricity. The spring season offers a measure of relief in this regard, making it the ideal season for solar panels to be installed with minimal disruption and cost to your company.


Summer is a great season for solar installation, but with all its benefits come some notable drawbacks as well. On one hand, longer, sunnier days make it ideal for solar panel efficiency—thus electricity production and immediate potential financial savings. On the other hand, it’s the busiest time of year for solar companies, so wait times to get a consultation and installation can be hefty.

Long wait times for solar company services, however, only reflect the popularity of solar. As the solar industry grows, the wait times are becoming shorter and shorter. And, if you’re on the market for solar installation, the summer season is an ideal time to act. Solar companies will be presenting their services and local incentives, prices, and installation fees tend to stay higher in the summer to match the demand from homeowners, and your solar panel will be as efficient as possible. Plus, you’ll be able to offset the extra energy your residence uses for air conditioning.


Winter can be a tricky time to get solar panels installed. On one hand, you might get a good deal on the installation of your panels, as well as faster installation times than in the fall months. On the other hand, you’ll produce significantly less electricity until the spring months arrive. Plus, you’ll need to prepare your roof for the installation, including removing snow and ice and prepping your shingles.

Furthermore, if you’re hoping to apply for various solar incentives, the process might be more complicated during a rollover period. The paperwork and filing might take longer to complete during the winter months. It’s best to double-check all the details before beginning the installation process.

All in all, winter isn’t the best time to install solar panels, despite the potential savings on installation fees. After all, you won’t see the full benefit of solar energy until the springtime. Moreover, you’ll have to prepare your roof for the installation and go through the process of filing for incentives—which can be much more complicated in the winter.


Fall brings a host of benefits when it comes to installing solar energy systems. Not only is the installation fee usually lower than in the other seasons, but the wait times are typically shorter too. While spring may be slower than summer, it is still the slowest season of the year, resulting in the quickest turnaround times.

Another benefit to installing solar in fall is that photovoltaic (PV) panels are more efficient in colder weather. Light is used to power the PV panels, not heat, and so the cooler temperatures of fall are perfect for producing energy. In contrast, these panels tend to lose efficiency in extreme heat. As a result, solar panel efficiency is higher in fall than in summer.

Finally, the longer days of summer can be deceiving. Fall brings plenty of sunlight, and the mild temperatures make it easier to absorb solar energy. This means that homeowners can get more out of their solar energy systems in autumn than in the hotter months.

With all of these advantages, it’s no wonder that fall is becoming an increasingly popular time to invest in solar energy systems. Not only are installation fees lower, but the efficiency of the systems is higher and the wait times are shorter. Homeowners looking to invest in renewable energy should consider taking advantage of the many benefits of fall installations.


Overall, it’s important to consider the season of installation when you’re deciding the best time to install solar panels. By doing so, you can save on installation times, costs, and future utility bills, as well as take advantage of any tax credits you may be eligible for. B2B companies should make sure to keep this information in mind as they plan for their Solar Panel installation projects.


Is Morning Sun or Afternoon Sun Better for Solar Panels?

The best time of day to get the most out of your solar panels depends on where you live. Generally speaking, the best time of day for solar panels is during the morning and early afternoon when the sun is at its highest. This is due to the fact that the sun’s rays are more direct and intense during these times, which makes them more efficient for collecting solar energy.

What Are the 2 Main Disadvantages of Solar Energy?

The two main disadvantages of solar energy are the cost of installation and the lack of storage capabilities. Solar energy is an expensive form of energy, and the cost of installation can be quite high. Additionally, solar panels are unable to store energy, so if you don’t use the energy you collect during the day you will lose it.

Is It Better to Get Solar in 2023?

The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors, including the cost of installation, the amount of energy you need, and the current incentives for solar energy in your area. Generally speaking, if you are looking to install solar panels in the next year or two, then you should look into the current incentives available in your area. This could make it more cost-effective to install solar in 2023. However, if you are looking to install solar further down the line, then you may want to wait until the incentives are more favorable or the cost of installation decreases significantly.

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SkyAbound Technologies is a premier provider of solar system products and services. We specialize in supplying high-quality, cost-effective, and reliable solar components in bulk, including solar panels, inverters, batteries, charge controllers, and solar accessories.

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Does SkyAbound help numerous b2b companies with their needs?

It has been over a decade since SkyAbound first began importing solar products from China. Since then, we have helped numerous b2b companies find the right solution for their needs. We understand the ins and outs of the import process and leverage our knowledge to help you get your products quickly and smoothly.

Our team of experts has served clients around the world, collaborating with them to better understand their goals and develop the best possible solution. We place the utmost importance on quality control and extensive testing to guarantee that our products are compliant with international standards.

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At SkyAbound, we believe in collaboration and open communication. Our commitment to providing comprehensive solutions and meeting the highest industry standards makes us an invaluable partner for b2b companies in the solar products industry.

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At SkyAbound, we recognize that our success hinges on our customers’ success. For that reason, We place an emphasis on building strong, long-term relationships and pride ourselves on our ability to exceed your expectations with superior customer service.

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